563 Salmon Brook St. Granby CT 06035
Mon,Tue,Thur,Friday: 10AM - 5PM and by appointment
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Closed: Wed and Sun.
Dehard Industrial Firewood Equipment
Engineered and proudly built in Belgium, Dehard manufactures industrial-grade firewood processors, splitters and log-handling equipment.
Firewood factory equipment is designed and built around your facility layout and process. Infeed decks, belts, saw, split, conveyer and cleaner systems are all customized for your particular setup. Designed to be run on two to three shift factories, these units are one of the toughest firewood factories on the market.
Proudly imported and supported by New England Pine Timber Co.
Contact us today to get your custom machine quoted. Each machine is custom-specified to your requirements.
Dehard equipment: https://dehard.com/en/