563 Salmon Brook St. Granby CT 06035
Mon,Tue,Thur,Friday: 10AM - 5PM and by appointment
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Closed: Wed and Sun.
Grapple Trailers and Stand Alone Grapple Loaders
We are a full-service grapple loader and grapple loader dealer. We can have a custom trailer configured and ordered for you. Whether you need an ATV log trailer or a gooseneck 21k custom dump grapple trailer, we can get you setup with the best equipment on the market today.
The ONLY Made in the USA Grapple Trailer on the Market!
In- Stock Trailer Units 5/7/2024
Woody's 12ft On-road 16k log bunk grapple trailer with Woodys 130HD-T Grapple and 13hp Honda powerpack.
16ft 14k Belmont Dump Trailer with Woodys 170HD and 13hp Powerpack.
Woodys 12ft offroad trailer with 130HD-T loader and 13hp powerpack.
Rabaud 49k forwarder trailer complete with Rabaud loader and PTO hydraulic system. Hydraulic brakes on each axle and hydraulic pivoting drawbar. ​
In- Stock Grapple Loader Units 5/7/2024
Tajfun DOT40 24ft Grapple Loader with euro control manifold.
Palms 2.42 loader 14ft reach with euro control manifold
22hp and 13hp Honda hydraulic power packs
We stock on-road grapple trailers and can order any custom configuration for your company's needs.
Contact us to discuss current pricing and all the options available. Prices are constantly increasing so please inquire as soon as possible. Demos are available at our store by appointment!