563 Salmon Brook St. Granby CT 06035
Mon,Tue,Thur,Friday: 10AM - 5PM and by appointment
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Closed: Wed and Sun.
Our Story
Founded in 2019 in Windsor CT, New England Pine™ Timber Co. has been dedicated to providing custom milled timber and lumber products to thousands of customers throughout the US.
We quickly realized that we required better equipment, and stronger components and we needed to design equipment that can handle the rigors of daily use. We began on our journey to producing the world's strongest chainsaw mill. Accomplishing that in 2020 with the release of our 72" commercial mill system.
We continue to Engineer, Test, and Commercialize the world's best forestry equipment for professionals who cut large American hardwood.
New England Pine is an Authorized dealer and service center for Husqvarna branded chainsaws and professional forestry equipment. We stock OEM replacement parts for all professional saws and can help you get up and cutting fast.